Happy Halloween
10:10pm - October 31 2023 - Listing to Music
Just got home a few hours ago. I had no idea were to go and my mom said the houses behind this store were they bought some beds and stuff was a place to be so we drove that way and OMG was it jammed pack i mean it was massive. there were cars parked all the way on the high way and my mom got nervous and said she wasn't going to go but shes like im not going but yall go so, i got off with the kids and we walked the whole block everyone was outside handing out candy and it was so packed that there were crowds bunched up together, long lines of kids getting candy and not just little kids but big kids to. Then this clown walked up to me and asked if i was scared and i said no i love clowns and she said what about your kids and im like nope they arnt scared they love halloween though but we all love clowns around here lol. My daughter was like i need that shirt or banner to say in this family we love clowns lol.. she's got a point. haha but it was fun and they had a blast. Some people were giving out like one candy but i see why cause there was alot of us out there but this lady got up and gave my kids a handful of candy and then gave me some i was like thanks. I can't have sugar so i just will end up giving it to my kids or my parents. I was shocked to see so many people all together enjoying the holiday in a long time. I mean after the pandemic it was hard to get out for those special times. So im glad to see everyone having a good time. I saw 3 dinosures, i saw Micheal Myers in a car and i laughed cause hes one of my favorites. And my sons been wanting that custom for a couple of years now. I'll have to get him that for next year lol.. We know now were to go for next year. But i think we are gonna have to carry some flash lights because in some parts it was dark and scarey. But there was so many people out there that we were ok. My mom stayed in the truck while we walked up and down the street. People were ready to hit up the next streets and we were tired and walked back to the truck to get home. We spend like an hour running down the streets. Good thing there was cops out there taking care of the streets. But they had a blast im so happy they had fun. My son couldnt wait to go and didnt want to go to early either lol. They got a half a bag which is ok for them they don't need that much anyways. But we got ice cream and then got something to drink at the store cause they were tired so they both got spoiled.. Well off tomorrow i have to go into town and pay bills. What fun. Anyways i hope you all were safe out there.. Goodnight <3
10:40pm - 10-30-23
hello world whats going on today? Well not much today we went into town to see if my mom could change the phones over to a new provider but just for 4 phones it was gonna cost her one time fee of over $200 and just don't have the money at the moment. But it was something to look into since its been pretty pricey everywhere and shes trying to cut down her bills which i tottally understand. When you simply just don't have it you don't have it. Anyways then got in the truck and went to the dollar store and the kids got some snacks and stuff. It was raining and super cold but omg loved every minute of the coolness it was nice for a change. I mean we have had 70s,80s and so on and it was time for some cold weather. The kids made cupcakes this afternoon well my daughter did my son was up there watching. Im so glad that they know how to cook there own littl meal if they are hungry. I still will stand there and watch them to make sure they don't burn themselves. Anyways thats pretty much all i did today. Watching a new series called Animal Kingdom on prime video and its good. Theres alot of things i wouldnt recomend to watch it with kids. Cause it shows sex scenes and other things that your like umm. but its good. anyways i will talk to you guys tomorrow <3
Today was a bummer
9:40pm - 10-29-23
Hey sup? well we went to the Parade they were having at the enterce of the subdivision and they had one person giving out candy. They didn't give my kids much which my son eat all his lol. I told him you didn't let me try it out first to make sure it was good lol. To funny. We plan to go on halloween and see whats going on that day. Hopefully something fun. Hopefully we get some candy. anyways thats all about what happen today. Oh i saw The fear of the walking dead it was good. Cant wait to see more. anyways talk soon!
Been Bored lately..
9:38pm - 10-28-23
Hey whats up? Im watching Vampire Diaries. I seen it before but re watching it again cause its so good. I been at home lately and nothing to do but hopefully tomorrow me and the kids well venter out and get some candy so they can stop bugging me lol. They been really good though havent asked me for anything expect my son wants to go to the movies and i told him next week cause we will have to take my mom and dad with us and they can get out to. We do everything together so no one is left behind. Hopefully we get to go watch the movie they wanna see. Today was just one lazy day wasn't much going on just be home and lazy around lol. But we are ok. We had some chicken today and i was able to eat but not alot cause im still losing weight. Anyways i don't got much to say tonight. Just wanted to stop in and blog <3
Whats up?!?
7:35pm - 10-27-23
Well we got a few days to go and it'll be halloween. Wow that got here pretty fast. This month was pretty fast to i can't even begin how Christmas is coming up and how everything is so expensive and i don't have a clue what my kids want this year. I just Pray that this Christmas we have a roof over our heads and we got food in the fridge. That we are healthy thank god for that. Money is going to be pretty tight this year. We sat down and explain to my kids that how theres no money for things they want like eating outside is getting expensive i mean $30 here and there for food and whatever they ask me for. Thats probably almost $100 just to go out the door with wanting to get food and then gas. It's getting harder even my mom was trying to cut some of her bills like insurance for the truck is getting expensive and she said alot of people are just letting their cars go because its expensive.Trying to make it out there is hard. Anyways we are ok thank god. We still havent got the results for my dad he took test and they found a lump on his throat so we havent heard anything back. Cross fingers its nothing. Pray for my day. Lets all pray for those who are going through something. well take care talk to you all soon!
No title
9:27pm - 10-26-23
Hey whats up? So today i took the kiddos to halloween outfits or atleast a mask they could wear. So they picked out something and my son says mom they have the same mask from last year and im like i know. So its hard to pick something that he might of liked but he did get something and my daughter got something and then ofcourse they wanted to get some wendys and took them there to get some food. Yes my kids are spoiled i do what i can do with them. It was a fun day though just to see them both smile and get out of the house for the day. Anyways thats pretty much all we did. I mean it rained all day. We stayed in the rest of the day and i took a nap off and on due to the rain. Rain always seems to relax me. Just a while ago i was on tik tok and it started pouring down hard. Im like perfect weather to sleep. Ha anyways Halloween is almost here i think there doing something on the 29th there having a parade and people are giving out candy so the kids will enjoy that. Anyways talk soon!
Feeling alot better
9:37pm - 10-25-23
Didn't feel good to blog yesterday and don't feel like today either lol but decided to get on here and blog. I went into town to ship my box to tmobile for my old phone. Getting use to the new one is hard cause of the island and how light it is. I went ahead and got the protection plan since its a new phone and my bill went up. ugh oh well. I'll pay it cause i mean what else can i do lol. But money this month is tight so im trying to figure out what the kids want to do like either go trick or treating which i'll have to buy halloween outfits or we can go to the movies. They said they wanna go tomorrow and i said lets leave the house early and my daughter is like this is my last year and im like no matter if you are 18 or 19 you can still have fun doing trick or treating. Theres no age limit honestly I think i stopped at 19. I use to play with the kids at some apartment complex we would play hide and seek lol and the kids would tell me that when i got old they would come see me and take me places i thought it was soo cute. I miss those days.Now she wants to get her own job and learn to drive which im so happy for her wanting to do these things. But today i eat good in the morning and then in the afternoon i eat good. Told my mom she didn't have to cook today cause i know its a hassel to come up with something and not sure what she wanted to make. Its stressful having to come up with meals. Anyways i can finally say i feel alot better today then i did a couple of days ago. Hopefully my sleep is ok cause the nerves are not to bad. anyways i guess thats all im going to blog. talk soon!
Today was hot
8:46pm - 10-23-23
it's almost halloween i can't believe how fast it got here. I mean we are days before it comes and my kids want to go trick or treating and i guess im just going to take them so they can get a little of candy. I started this whole thing lol now they don't want to stop going lol. Well let em be kids is all i say. Its been a while since i have taken them its just now days i don't know were to take them. I still gotta sent in my old phone so i can get credit and i guess im going to do that tomorrow i didnt want to go anywhere today since it was a monday. So we stayed home all day we are mostly always going somewhere even if its town to grab something to make. Anyways i think im gonna go work on pineapple dream i haven't really messed with it and tonight im gonna put some pages together. Talk soon!
Felt good and then back to the same thing
5:59pm - 10-22-23
I started off good yesterday where i eat all day and it was good but then today starts and im right back to feeling yucky. Im fine its just to be honest is not being able to burp and when i cant i start to feel sick. So thats my problem and then it wont let me eat either so its annoying i wish there is some cure to take care of that. But every so months i'll go through a period of that. I lost alot of weight these shorts i bought a while back are a size 18 and they don't fit me anymore and they are new so what i did was put a belt on them to help that they fit and i notice that my legs where chubby on the upper side and today i notice how thin they have gottan. so im losing it. I was skinny already but my stomach is big because ive had two kids. But my stomach has gone down alot. when i got back from hawaii i had lost a lot of weight and now i keep losing which is good im glad im losing weight. I mean those weeks where i don't eat the whole week lol i can't go on like that but it has to do with gastertitis i hope i spelled that right lol. Its bad this month. Anyways i did't do much today just went to walmart and grocery store. And to fill up our water 5 gallion bottles. Other then that we came home and then left again to pick up my nephew he stayed at a friends house.. But anyways my kids want to go trick or treating i just don't know were to go this year. I guess will see where we go this year. I didnt think they wanted to go but there all for it. Im so happy that even though they are teenagers they still want to go and have fun. I always tell them don't grow up to fast. Cause being an adult kinda sucks lol. Having to pay bills and other things is no fun. Anyways im gonna get going. YAY fear of the walking dead comes on tonight. excited talk soon! have a great day!
Got My New Iphone
10:12pm - 10-20-23
Its been a rough week with feeling sick and couldn't really eat anything at all. I finally made it through the day it started off as eating this morning and then i had a snack in between and then later had what my mom made and then i had noodles and was able to keep it down. So I got an email saying my phone would be deliver on the 19 and i waited all day outside till it finally came and i had to sign for it. They missed me like twice but i ended up getting it. It took all day to get everything transfer to the new phone and was logging into my accounts like Facebook and instagram and other ones like places i pay for credit and stuff so had to make sure things worked right. Having to change phone numbers over to my account was very stessful but i got it done. Anyways i gotta sent in the old phone to get credit for my phone. Mine was heavy but when i got the iphone 15 i was very suprised on how light it was. The only thing i have to get use to is the new island which i notice in some games you can see some of the stuff. So im going to have to get use to that. People were complaining about how the phone over heats well so far mine is working good and no heating problem the battery last a little longer i think im gonna buy a battery pack just to always keep with me. Pictures are sharp. I messed with the close up it was pretty nice. very clear. And the selfies looks a whole lot better then the iphone 13. Which i don't take that many selfies anymore but when i do i wanna get a good picture. Now i have to give everyone my new number. Anyways i guess well see how it is in a week and i can be able to talk about more. Anyways im just trying to get better and i don't feel sick but i am sick but it has to do with gas related. Thats why i been feeling that way. anyways im gonna get going. Goodnight <3
Felt sick today
10:30pm - 10-17-2023
Its been a none feeling everyday that i feel sick in the morning. No im not pregnant lol. I don't know what it is but its been like this for a week. I don't know if its the meds or what but im tired of feeling this way. God hope it goes away so i can eat better..Anyways today was a lazy day. It was super cold this morning which was really nice. I loved every minute of it. Then i went to check the mail and didn't get mail today. I honestly looking forward to Friday i don't know if my phone will come on saturday or Monday. Either way im excited. Also im looking forward to watching the Fear of the walking dead this sunday. I can't wait to see it. I been pretty bored latly but i also need to get better. Tomorrow my dads getting a cat scan. So another early morning. Anyways talk to you soon!
Today was Hectic
October 16 2023 - 7:48pm
Im so tired like i don't want to do anything i been up since 4am. The test went ok ofcourse its not comfortable when they touch you here and there and your like really..It was 48 this morning i was freezing my butt lol. It felt amazing but i was cold im like its to cold to be out here i should have brought a blanket. Other then that im just tired. Probably going to update some sites here and there. So talk soon!
drama with the Neigborhood
October 14 2023 - 9:52pm
So we where supposed to have a meeting at the communty today but got canceled due to what happen yesterday. People as age of 50 and 60 need to find a hobby instead of getting into drama that don't conern them. It was as if there was a full moon or something. People were getting out of hand and starting some shit.Crazy day. I ended up having a good day. Blocked a few people on fb just for my own peace. Took naps here and there.Watched some crime vidoes and eat some good food. Got up at 7am this morning felt sick i dunno whats going on but i feel like throwing up and then im hungry lol i'll never understand that feeling or why im feeling that way lol.. Hope it goes away.. Monday we got more doctors apointments for my dad. talk soon!
Happy Friday the 13th
October 13 2023 - 5:49pm
I skipped a few days. I honestly was extermely tired yesterday. What happen was a long night my son had a never ending hiccups and couldnt get rid of them. But like when i get hiccups its already to that point where i wont feed myself for a long time and i'll get heartburn and if i go longer i end up with hiccups. So i think thats what he did and they wouldn't leave him alone my poor babes. It sucked by the time i worked my magic i was extermely tired but couldn't fall a sleep so i went to bed at 4am and woke up and i was just tired the whole day and on top of that i had really bad Aniexty and today i still have it. So anyways My dad has to go under alot of test again to check up on the cancer cause it could effect other parts of his body. So now hes got a lump on his thorat and they gotta check it and make sure its not cancer so no good news is good. But think god we caught it in time. But i been going with my mom her & him to doctors apointments and making sure they get there safe. Its alot of stress on my mom and im sure my dad so being there for them is good. We got alot of things to think about we live so far from places, all stores take about 30 to 40 mins away and its beginning to take alot for them both to travel back and forth and nothing is cheap out there we probably spend like $200 plus gas and food and where ever we stop at. It's money we don't have. So we are thinking of moving closer i dunno well see though. Its up in the air. Depending on what god has in store for us. We would need a pretty big place for us all. sell our house which sounds pretty stressful. The only thing i'll miss out here in the qiuetness and just being able to have my room and have as many as dogs as we want. Well see though. Theres alot of stuff i need to sale that way i don't carry so much with me. anyways my Aniexty is back ugh.. Terrable to feel this way. anyways im getting a new iphone 15 pro max. Had to wait for a week which omg took forecer and it doesn't ship till the 20th i guess its better then waiting till november cause alot of people have been having to wait that long to get there phone. I got bigger memory cause i take alot of photos and videos of the kids and my dogs. I cleaned out my old iphone 13 im gonna miss that one it was a good run i mean i had it for a while and took fantasic pictures and it was gold my favorite color. Now im gonna be getting a white one. I'm excited the only way to get it was to pay it payments and i got approved for verizon. Oh and my numbers going to change. Anyways i think thats all about the news i got. So i'll talk to you soon. Thanks for reading!
When friends kill 10-10-2023
I been looking on youtube when girls kill their bestfriend its awful what horror these kids saw before it happen. Lets be nice to each other. If you got some beef with someone let it go and if you are falling a crowd don't do it. You don't know what kind of state of mind people are what kind of hate that have towards people. Like bullying on the internet is no joke. I know its happening to my friend and the people doing it doesn't leave her alone. I don't know what their problem is but they got other people following it and making worst for her and its not right. People who have hate in there bone could easily kill someone. Don't get invole. Fight back for people who can't do it. Fight for them. If you see something say something. If you don't you could be a victum. Anyways today was cold this morning i was freezing and it looks like its gonna be in the 60s in the morning so i'll be cold again. However i had a good day. Went food shopping lol. What fun. My sons like have fun mom and im like thats not fun. LOL just something i have to do. Anyways my dads gotta see doctors tomorrow so i gotta get up early. So goodnight talk soon!
Moved the Blogs - 10-08-2023
So i moved the blogs to there folder for oct23. So today was a nice day it was in the 60s i got to wear my joggers that i got from victoria's secret and they were very comfortable. Anyways i hiden into town this morning to stop at walmart. I really hate walking into walmart its like a drag. We don't have any other stores to go to but that one. Then we headed to heb and picked out some stuff to bring to make stuff to eat. Then i eat some breakfast and then i came to cover up cause i was cold. Then later on i had some BBQ chicken and then fell a sleep lol. Then woke up and watched some murders and stuff on youtube. Some of them are sad. Thats pretty much all of my day i did today. I didn't really work on any of the sites i didn't feel up to it really to be honest i was just cold all day.. Anyways i hope you all had a fantastic day and Remember for me be nice to someone today, you don't know what kind of day a person may be going through.. Stay blessed!
I knew it would be a day i forgot - 10-7-2023
I knew it would happen that i would forget.Well it was because i was on the phone with verizon trying to get a new number and a new phone. It was time to upgrade. Anyways yesterday i didn't really do much. Just went outside with the dogs and got to see them playing around and running cause finally the cool air is coming out here in Texas..Today we just took a trip to the store and went on a snack run. The kids are like i want this and want that lol. So they also came and got what they wanted. Today it was very cool outside loving it. <3 talk soon!
I forgot to blog lol - 10-5-2023
It's late and i forgot to blog lol. Lets see i did some updates on True crime i added some more stories. Everyday i been adding some pages. Anyways today we took a ride to this little re sale shop in downtown and some stuff is new and some is probably used. I like all the stuff they got for the kids it just brought memories of things i use to have as a kid. Then we got some honey for sure always gotta get some for the winter its good for sickness and then i went to my favorite spot to get cold coffee and it was good. Ended up giving the rest to my son cause he kept drinking some out my cup lol. I told him i don't really need it but he loves it so he took it. Anyways then we came back home. It was nice to get away for a few.. So the kids will be off this week starting Friday for fall break. So that means they are gonna be eating me out the house. I dont know what im going to feed them lol. Food i know haha. Anyways i have 3 pickles today man i love pickles so much its like yum. I can't believe i had that many today i wanted one before bed but decided to wait till the morning. I'll be looking for one. This month all i been wanting is a pickle. It helps me burp. anyways thats pretty much all i did today! well talk soon. Let's be nice to everybody please is all i ask..
it's so hot outside - 10-04-23
It was achually 80s today. But still hot and it rained all day and it felt super cold inside the house. I didn't really do much today. Just worked on true crime and added some new stories i plan to add more as i go. Um i updated the credits page. I plan to add more credits on what i use. Umm i need to get pineapple dream back up and running maybe i'll do that tomorrow. thats pretty much all the updates and i got a new affie.. looking for some more affies. This site gets 100 views a day. I didnt think it would get that high but im so proud that this site can help those in need. anyways talk soon! Lets be nice to others. We don't know if someone is going through something..
Updating and more - 10-03-23
So today a friend emailed me and told me that the bullying hasn't stop and now who ever is with the whole crew with her is following her and acting a fool about bullying this person. When are you going to stop bullying this person when are you going to wake up and this keeps getting out of hand. It makes me upset that these people keep bullying this person. They don't stop.. Anyways today i updated True Crime and Love-acid.com I added some reseller packages and i will be adding hosting here for people that want to be hosted under this domain. This one will have Super Alpha hosting. If you don't know what you are doing just email me and find out. I will be posting them on here soon! Uh me and my son played on snapchat and we couldn't stop laughing. They are all off next week. I have no idea what im going to feed those teenagers i mean they be eating me out of the house. But anyways took the kidos to world market that was fun. They have unique snacks that you cant find anywhere else. I love these candies that have tajan in the middle of it and omg soo good. I can't have alot but the carbs are low. Oh my bestfriend was messaging me and she lost alot of weight. She must of been 400 or 500 and now shes at 380 i can't belive how much shes lost but im so proud of her. Anyways talk soon!
What its Oct thats crazy - 10/01/23
Can't believe its October its crazy how fast its got here. Yesterday we where in a another month lol crazy haha. Nah anyways it was a slow day i worked on some of my websides that i really gave up on and now i have other domains trying to figure out what to do with some of them. Lots of things to work on haha when i am bored like this i start working on alot of things. Anyways didnt do much this weekend. Oh this morning went to HEB and went to a yard sale i did do something lol. I saw a purse i really wanted at the yard sale that they wanted $40 but the other lady said $35 so since they couldn't decided i passed it up i didn't feel like spending my money. I got bills i gotta pay. I got rue21 i gotta pay this month, getting things in order i need a book to keep all my things i pay. my daughter came in and was like mom can i get a game and since i can't say no i said sure i guess lol. Trying to save money i can't do that cause im either buying them games ugh.. Anyways im glad and proud. I was looking at the iphone 15 pro max and i know what your thinking and mind you i shouldnt get it but but wait the camera is better the only thing is i heard that it overheats so i dont know how bad it is. But i dont need a new phone mine is fine i just want but the bill is high and mine is paid off. Argh i know i shouldn't get it. i dont need it i know i know. I was happy i got approve for my first credit card i know i should had this done back then. But I never had a real one that i could achually call a credit card. I had some you had to pay before using it and could only use in there store.I dont think those were real credit card just a gimmick to get you on something. They didn't give me much to use but i can build my credit up and pay. I dunno if having a credit card is better or not. You still gotta pay even if you dont have the money lol. But only one is all i need i gotta start somewhere. anyways talk to you guys later!