This Month is Almost over..

9:18pm 5/26/2024

I wanted to go back to 2008 lol. Wow thats a big Jump backwords. Today i Rested for what i dunno. I should of done some stuff. I guess Tomorrow i am going to take the dogs cage out and clean it and air it out and then bring in back in and let her run around all day. It's almost time for bed for her. Once i tell her time for bed she gets up and goes in her cage. Shes so smart. Anyways how are you guys doing? Im doing pretty good. When you don't got money there is nothing much to do. But Just be around the house and Then i have to get rid of some clothes and go donate them.. So thats something else i need to do tomorrow. Atleast get that stuff done. Tomorrow is a holiday so i can't go wash clothes so Maybe in a couple of days i'll have some change to go wash clothes. All i have are gold dollars and don't want to spend those.. Took my nephew to see his girlfriend. No words thats all im going to say lol.. Anyways i will talk to yu all soon!

Wow she will be 18 tomorrow

10:11pm - 05-22-2024

I gotta get the cake in the morning and the candles and I got the ice cream today. I wanted Chocolate.. I been getting my sleep back in order again and now im out by 11 which is awesome.. I been doing Awesome. Kids are finally out of school and they are starting their Summer break by staying up and playing Video Games. I use to be able to stay up till 7am but i just can't no more. Since i do alot of stuff for my mom and dad i just go to bed early so i can enjoy the next day. Some how no matter what time i go to sleep i still get up hella early. It's like really i need to sleep in but nah i cant i just find it that when you go to sleep late and wake up late the day is pretty much over. I like the mornings cause I can enjoy the day. Anyways no much has been going on. I picked up Game of Thorns Trying to get into it. I already seen the first part and Going to watch another one tonight.I wanna Take the kids hopefully next week to go see a movie. Something we can do together well see what happens. Dont really like to make plans but thats what im thinking of doing. I been doing good. Last week My dad went to run some test and i stayed home with th kiddos. Had to walk probably a mile in the heat and early at 5am which is pitch dark in the morning. It's pretty bad in my area and there is alot of druggies hanging around on some land. No women should have to walk these streets. But i was ok the morning was very cool. The afternoon sucked i got my self sick from the heat. But im ok it was just for a little while.. The last day they could have stayed home but my nephew was like im going. Maybe cause he has a girlfriend lol.. So we let him walk up the bus stop. I was scared for him but they made sure he called his dad that he got on the bus ok. So anyways I was thinking of all the things i had to do and when i think i start getting Anxiety Cause im thinking about it. I will do anything regardless if i am needed. I will wake up at 7am to help my dad put in a fence if i have to. I will do anything for my parents. Im also there for moral support while my mom stresses everything shes gotta do.. Oh i also cooked dinner and my son said mom this is good lol.Im like did u miss my cooking and he said yes lol. I need to try and come up with a few days of a week to cook dinner so that my mom can rest. So give me some ideas on what to cook? if you have any? Sometimes i dont know what to cook. But My mom cooks all the time. Anyways thats pretty much all thats going on. Well i will talk to you soon!

Almost Mothers Day

5:05pm 05/10/24

Hey whats up? Well its been a crazy week. From the chickens getting my puppy to chasing the chicken to stop lol.. This morning i was busy again. With all the Animals and just making sure they get feed and so on. Clean cool water case its been pretty hot. Today was 93 and i finally got my ac unit installed in my window a couple of days ago. My dad set it up and i laid down and fell a sleep lol.. But its just been crazy week. One of my chickens had babies she had probably around 10 or 11 not sure but where ever she goes the babies go with her. The all are soo very cute. So my dad is building a chicken coop so they can start laying eggs cause eggs are so expensive now. Well you know everything is these days.. I wanna work on a new layout while im online so im gonna do that now. I feel kind of creative haha <3 well see what im come up with. Well Mothers day is around the corner so Happy Mothers day to the mama's out there <3

It Flooded

11:12pm 5/4/2024

Wow My got here and then it flooded like crazy weather. We got hail today and it just about rained about 3 times today while i was out today. Crazy. Thsi weather is Crazy. I know i said i would make a new header but I havent been in the mood to change this one yet. I still really like the colors on this one. But I will change it im sure you all are like this layout again lol.. Im alive.. Well we are up on a hill so we didnt get flooded but the town did and where they found that little girl at the water is almost to the street its crazy how much water has falling. Anyways i thought we were going to have to put all the animals inside lol like the chickens and her babies and the puppies. Just so many Animals and its supposed to rain all the way to Wed.. Hope it slows down so more flooding is coming.. Well talk soon!