Your a sky full of Stars

Dec 23 2023 9:46pm Mood:Happy

Well Next Christmas i know i wont be alone. Our converstations been going good. We have so much to catch up and alot in common. After so many years of knowing each other and laughing about the memories and just remembering those days when we were young comes all back to me. It makes me wish i was back to be young and knowing someone you knew had a crush on you but never said anything lol. Its crazy how things fall into place when you arnt even looking for it. For while just being single was my life. I had my old friend i went to school with tell me yesterday that he had a crush on me growing up and that he liked me and wanted to know if i had a crush on him and i told him honestly no But You were my best friend growing up and then he talked about wanting to kill himself so it was hard i didnt want to lie and was being honest how i felt. Just friends it will ever be. After all the men i been with, i just want to be loved by someone who likes to be around me and can laugh at everything. Im hard to trust but i'll enventally get there. So will see what happens. Anyways today was a good day, Got up at 7am got ready and headed out to the Resturant to see my brothers and we got together and had dinner. It was nice. TO laugh and have a good time. Tomorrow is my brothers birthday. Me and my kids got body wash for him. For xmas/birthday. And then we came home and then tonight i was hungry so i asked if she could take me to mc donalds so we got some chicken nuggets and my dad got a hamburger. It was something, I didnt eat everything because the frys didn't taste that great later. The only taste good when you get them.. Anyways i just wanted to pop on here and say whats up? and hope that everyone has an amazing Christmas. I almost wrote Birthday lol..
Made a xmas Gift for everyone :)

Tired and sleepy

Dec 21 2023 6:39pm Mood:Tired

Whats up? It's been a busy day today. Went to walmart to get some puppy food for the puppies and picked out some gifts for the kiddos so some cool things to get them. Then left there and headed to bealls again and found something for my brother. Didn't want to show up with nothing. He always gives my kids something. So its sweet. So picked up some more stuff for my kids and the lady tried to scanned my purse and im like umm thats mine lol. 2 funny. Then headed back home.It turned out to be a good day. Just woke up. I went to sleep and just woke up. Wasnt going to blog today but decided since i was updating some of the sites and decided to blog here <3 i updated the links and Just ya know still working on some of the other stuff. But anyways i'll probably blog after Christmas so talk soon!

It's Almost Christmas

Dec 19 2023 Mood:cold

It turned out to be a good day, Had to run into town to go to tractors supply, then to post office and we went to heb and then bealls. Kids got there card from their grandma in Cali. So i gave it to them early. They got doctors apointments tomorrow So i gotta make sure my son can see a doctor for his epilipsy and thats going on my next list so he can get on medication. Cause he still has them not as much but i see them and he needs to get on something. Anyways Thats pretty much all we did today. I'll have to cash there little checks in so they can have money. Im like im picking up rent and my son laughs. He said Moms picking up rent from our rooms lol. 2 funny. So Well see where this thing goes with someone. Like my sad if it happens it happens. I mean hes about Family and so our we. Its hard to find someone who is Family oriented thes days. I mean my ex was not that and everytime we had to go see his mom it wasn't like to suprise her he had to call her up and let her know we where coming which is fine im not hating on him its just ugh I think it was a warning that to act nice and whatever else they where doing.I mean his parents where hippies back then so that screams to me one thing. "drugs".Whatever floats your boat i guess. But he was terriable i mean he didn't want to help my parents when they needed help, he was rude to my mom and dad. Which was uncalled for. Sometimes we have to find out later how a person is. Wouldnt it be nice if people just told the truth on how they felt instead of making things worse for someone who loves and cares about you. I mean think about it. At this point in my life i wanna be near someone who is going to treat me right and i wanna laugh and be happy for once. I done been around the block and just tired im not getting any younger lol. I Just want to be with someone who cares and is social and can keep up with me and my family and him with his family cause at the end of the day its all about FAMILY. anyways talk soon!

Internet is a butthole

Dec 18 2023 Mood:Feeling sick

I was feeling better but i think today i had lemonaid which i shouldnt have had and i had some pancakes which made me super sick and i just don't feel all that great at all. Maybe if i eat a pickle i should be ok. Cross fingers. Um well we went out to see what was in stores for christmas and got some more stuff. This girl needs money to do some more shopping. Well i have great news. Um im talking to someone new. Thats all im going to say about that. When it becomes new i will eventally talk about it. For now im just going to leave it as a mystery. Gonna shower and get comfortable. Hopefully this feeling goes away though. Ugh hate being sick. Talk soon! Oh btw The internet is being a butthole doesn't want to work so hope this goes through. Bye!

Been sick this couple of days

December 12 2023 at:4:27pm Mood:Sick

I Got a good health yesterday cause my A1C was 5.4 so it was really good. She said i didn't have to take shots im so happy. So that happen but by the end of the day i was sleepying in the back because i felt so tired. But i think i ended up with a head cold. I'll be ok just taking some vitamin C to help with it so it'll go by faster.. Anyways when im better i'll come and blog.

Woke up with a sore Throat Sucks!

December 9 2023 at:9:20pm Mood:Sick

Hey whats up? Well i woke up with a sore throat pain and im like oh boy i dont need to be sick. It started with my brother he had it and then it traveled to my nephew and now i have it. I feel a little better as i already took a bunch of Vitamin C So i could kill the virus. So far im ok. Took some aspirin. Today they had the Prade going on downtown and alot of places to shop but no money to go.So we went to get the oil changed, went to starbucks but i wasn't feeling to good today. Then i went to this place where they helped a little with Presents this year for the kids. They could only get two things so i picked some items. I saw a basketball and im like ahh man i didn't see that. Oh well i can go to 5below to get it for $5 and my son walks in the room this afternoon after he see's all the gifts under the tree he said something in the lines that he had rules lol and that he ment that in a couple days he could open a gift lol and im like No go back to your room..LOL this kid.He is something else. Im happy hes excited. Even though im not really ready for Christmas i feel as if its just coming to fast for me to handle but today really open my eyes for the help and it took some stress of me. I'm sure what ever i get the kids they will be happy either way. I got another idea on what else to get them. I just need to get stuff lined up for them. It'll be a good one cause we all have a roof over our heads and food in the fridge so no matter what we are ok and safe. I thank god everyday and just for that for both of my Parents being here still ya know. With out them id be depressed :(.. so im glad they are around to see my kids grow ya know. Sorry getting mushy.

Don't Hate me ;)

December 8 2023 at:8:39pm Mood:Happy,sleepy

I forgot lol to blog yesterday i knew there was something i had to do but i got comfortable and wen to bed early. I had to go to a meeting yesterday and that took an hour or so. I was like when is this going to be over so i can go to bed. Had to do updates on the computer yesterday. Looked up some stuff for the kids for christmas. I got a pretty good idea what they wanted.My son gave me his list and waiting on my daughters. So today got up early and had some breakfast at 7am. Then got ready and dressed to take the truck to rotate Tires and stuff like that. Then stopped at Starbucks and got me and my dad some Coffee and got my mom a cookie cause she loves the cookies from there and i got a donut and those were good. Over all i had a pretty good day. Then came home took a nap woke up and eat dinner. Then i told my mom had to get melotonian for my son cause he pulled an all nighter ugh. He needs to sleep. I need to call money or go in monday when i see the doctor and see if i can get him an apointment cause he needs to see a doctor for his condition. Around 5pm i went to the dollar store got some bags to put these gifts in bagd for these kids. Its like umm i need to put the Christmas tree up. Well i set up a new layout. I really like how the font came out on this one. I needed to put a new layout up. I am also working on some Fourms For sheisloved so we can get involed and chat, ask for graphics and so much more. Plus thats anoher form of getting ahold of me or talking to me directly ya know.. So its coming soon! Going to work on it tonight and get the boards up. Try to make some styles for it and some other things. Get things working. Anyways The kids got one more week of school and then they are off. I dunno what im going to feed them lol. Talk soon! Have a great day!

Turned out to be a Pretty day

Dec 6 2023 at 7:26pm Mood:Tired

It turned out to be a beautiful day. The sun was out and the weather was nice. up on the hill was cold but once we got into town it was hot i found myself taking off my sweater lol. It was really nice. Anyways my mom still having pain off and on. She ended up having a earache a bad one and they gave her some meds for it. Stayed up last night till 3am taking care of my mom and making sure she was able to walk to the stroom since the meds could make her dizzy and then she had a full blown Anixety attack. But we think its the meds. But shes ok. Shes going to the dentist tomorrow. I hope they pull that tooth out but they said they where going to do xrays and look at the ones that need to be removed. Gotta make an apointment for my son tomorrow he needs to go see a epilepsy doctor and get test and back on meds again. I don't see them but im not with him 247 to achually see it. But he still has them. Cause even he notices when we are in a convosation he forgets and then he says i had one. So they are still there.. So pretty much all we did was getmy moms meds. Got coffee tried a new coffee. Wasn't sweet but it was good i got the sugar cookie latte. it was very bitter. I still drank it all lol.Then checked the po box. And then straight home. My mom said at the end i should of bought food and i said im ok with the coffee.This morning they brought breakfast for everyone so i eat good this morning. I know she didnt feel good to cook it.But thats pretty much it. Then Around 4pm had to pick up kids at the bus stop. :) at around that time i get a sleepying spell like all i want to do is sleep and my eyes start to get heavy lol. Oh i went back to playing Animal Crossing yay. Hope i get a 5 star ugh its hard lol. Anyways hope everyone is having a great day..<3

Almost didn't blog....

Dec 5 2023 at: 10:40pm mood:Refreshed

I couldnt connect my computer to the internet a while ago it was a pain. I had to run cmd and do some things to refresh the DNS cache. As you all probably have no idea what that is. But you have to reset it and do some other things. I did that about 3 times and finally was able to connect to the internet. Everyone is on it but my laptop was beng a butt. But anyways my mom went to the ER cause her ear hurts really bad and she can't relax which i know it sucks.So hopefully they give her something. She needs to get her tooth pulled. Shes gonna go see the tooth doctor thursday. Which probably by an all day thing. My son wanted to be with his grandma and grandpa so he went to. I got one gift for my son i didn't want to open it. They sent it in a big box lol. I just need to either wrap it or leave it in the box lol. We need to get a Christmas tree so i can start adding gifts under the tree..We saw a Fedex today and it was burning and im like omg i hope my stuff didn't get burnt lol. Anyways I ordered some stuff from VS online that im going to use as gifts to. But i need to get bags to put stuff in. I used Klarn i think thats how u spell it. What is it? you may ask well Klarn gives you a credit where you can pay over time for items. So i went ahead and tried it for something and i payed twice and my next payment is January so i thought that was cool.. Maybe then they will give me credit after i done pay it off. oh and they already sent me a tracking number so hopefully its on the way. Hope it wasn't in the fedex lol.. Im trying to look at some skull candy headphones for my daughter. There expensive but nice. I have a paid that has been with me for years and i think like one little ear cushion came off and i put it back and they still work. So highly recomend that brand. I just need to see which ones im gonna get for her. I got to get them first and then im sure they are gonna wanna see what to get grandma and grandpa for christmas. Guess well see. Um what i do today. Went up to sams. Got the kids Coffee this morning before school. And then took off im suprised we didnt get no pizza lol. oh well next time.. I would have loved some pizza but i was full from eating this morning. I had a crossant and some coffee. Im glad i stay full all day i wasn't even hungry when we got back. Took a nap when i got back for an hour and i probably wont sleep till i know they are back from the ER, Hope that she gets some meds for the pain. I sucks. It's probably her teeth. I know how she feels though. I went through that with my teeth and i was able to get the bad ones pulled out. So its a hassel. ugh. Anyways thats pretty much all we did. Stopped at the reseller and didnt find much. I just looked at books with my dad. He grabbed a bunch of books to read. He's a book worm. Well i hope everyone had a Fantastic day.. Oh and i got 366 followers on Threads, Nice. Everyday i keep getting new people added.I just need to post more.. <3

Things i did today

Dec 4 2023

Updated: BRB signs, About Me Signs...Trying to update all the picture links.I wont do everything today. But im trying!
Hey whats up? When i blog about someone rather it be good or bad its not to get a reaction out of anyone its just sometimes i think out loud in order from me to move on for it, is not to start trouble its just something i smipley something im getting off my chest and the next day im over it. I don't hold grudges, i don't dislike anyone. I want to be friends with everyone. I make jokes and laugh. When people email me im the same person super sweet and easy to get along with everyone. But anyways today my mom said did you see that they moved the house? and i was like what were. Well my brother had bought a portable home that he was going to build a home into for him and his son and it had been sitting there well little did i know someone came up to the door yesterday and the dogs didnt even bark we had no idea someone was walking up to the house. Well they found out and they took the portable home off the land and i asked my mom what time was that and shes like @ 2 i was like whaa where was i lol. I had no idea they took it. but now it looks werid not that its gone. So they want him to move the RV on the other side of the house due to like from my bedroom you can't really see the gate cause the rv is blocking the front. So guess well see how he puts it. We went to the bank earlier and then we went to Mcdonalds to eat a mcrib. Asked my mom and dad if they were hungry and my dad was like yea lol so i was gonna pay but my mom said no she was going to pay. It was nice to get out for a little bit. My tremors were bad today. I was getting the frys and my hand was shakin I was like telling my mom and dad that i think im stressed our for this month. I don't even want to ask the kids what they want for christmas.Im glad im going to get help for that this year. So itll give me some release of anxiety and stress ya know. But i already got my son one thing that he needs aleady but hes going to have to wait lol. Plus it was supposed to come today and i got a text saying that it was running late. So hopefully tomorrow i get it. This week moms going to hopefully get her teeth pulled and my older brother just got all his out. He had trouble with his teeth to. but anyways one of the ones they put one in a plastic tooth today it was hurting so i cant eat on my right side and my ear hurts. Ugh. It don't hurt bad but when i push it a little i can feel the pain. Still no matter what i try to eat anyways.. well that was a long post. Gonna work on some stuff. I need to get ridof things that don't fit me and go donated them cause im not going to sale them when we havent even started do anything. We need to start probably after christmas or something.. Anyways thanks for stopping by. Talk soon!

Dec 3 2023 at: 7:18pm Mood:Bored

Um i had just finished eating my cucumbers they are soo good. Well the last time i think we talked about that the doctor wants to put me on a once a week shot for diabeties and im struggling to figure out if thats what i need in my life. So i looked up some people talking about that shot and how i felt like 2 weeks like nauses and feeling sick were i couldn't eat for a week. Seems like that the shot is the same thing. I don't know yet if its for me. But i would be able to loose more weight which would be good on my part. Eat much smaller meals is the way to go which im already doing that. So i dunno im going on the 11th so figure out if my sugar is still high and if it is maybe i'll try the shot. So i guess well see what they say. I wanna see how much i truly weight and go from there. Cause i could tell you im doing my best to be on the diet but im not going to say its easy. I messed today lol i had cookies and ice cream.ugh its not easy. I think when im bored i notice i tend to eat. Which is not good for me. Well trying to loose this stomach and get it back in shape is what i need to do. To bad it had to end up this way with the diabetes ya know. but gotta get in shape for my heath.. But anyways thought id drop this song. Enjoy!

Victoria Secret had a sale

Dec 02 2023 Mood:Happy

Well just like the title says i went into VS and found some goodies all there hoodies and joggers were $25 so i guess i walked in at the wrong time lol. I got a bunch of stuff and ended up with a free blanket.. I also went into tj maxx to find a purse and walk out with out a purse and instead ended up getting treats for my dog and a warm little outfit for her. I tell you i can't walk in anywhere to save money lol..

This will be the last time i mention, Nine, Pim and who ever else. What happen was that i mention her name because someone i knew was trying to be friends with one of Nines friends i hope that makes sense. So i said they follow Nine and do whatever she says and they act like they can't be friends with other people because of Nine. I wasnt starting no drama i just said it shouldnt be that way. Say the truth. And who ever is commenting on the Cbox. None of it is our fault. She decided to closed her site on her own terms. We had nothing to do with that. If you think otherwise then its better to just stop the drama already. Pim doesn't mention nine anymore. We talk about other things. And were pretty much busy on our own sites.. Just please leave it at that. I hope no matter what that Nine comes back. If not i tottally get it. But she shouldnt stop cause of drama she should thrive and just enjoy being online. She doesn't have to come visit this site, or pims site. And she can ignore us. No one is telling her to visit here.. Anyways!
Well today when i got up it was super cold again lol i know what is up with this weather. Your telling me. Then we get into town and its 60 and im like really. We are up in the hill thats why its so cold where i live. But anyways gonna go watch a movie or something im bored again. :) talk soon!

It was a hot hot day

Dec 01 2023 at:7:10pm Mood:Tired

It got down to the 70s today. This weather is bi polar. I bet tomorrow will be super cold. Today took the kids to get pizza they were excited to eat there. Got some wings cause they love wings. and then we brought the rest back home. I went to sleep for a little bit. I could have wore shorts today.. haha. But anyways just glad its friday. Im not ready for Chritmas. I got doctors apointment on the 11th and next year in feb 29th. Then my mom has an apointment on the 7th i hope shes able to get her tooth pulled. She's been ok.It like it wants to hurt but i check up on her regularly. I also got apointment on the 9th.. So this month its going to be pretty busy..

Im no longer going to talk about the issue with what i wrote yesterday. I think we need to hang up the towl and move on from it.Ive talked about it in the past. I hope it gets resolved and hope that both partys either become friends or stay away from each other. Have a great day! Thats my 2 cents.
Weekend is here and my daughter wants to go to rue 21 to find a hoodie and oh yea i forgot to mention that today i told my son it was cold in the pizza place and he pulled off his hoodie and said here mom and i honestly i didnt think id fit in it well i put it on and it fit like a charm i was like wow thats the first time that we fit in the same clothes lol. It feels so good. I picked up a holister hoodie at tj maxx for $19.99 and they cost alot at holister which is a $44.00 hoodie. So that was a good fine.. Its a large if i find another one im going to buy it cause i no longer need anything xlarge. So now i can fit into a large and seem to fit in it pretty good :D. Anyways im gonna go see what i can get into haha.. talk soon!

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