
With this tutorial, you will learn how to show html on your webpage. This is useful for inserting special characters and making tutorials. Its simple too, just read this tutorial onceso go ahead and make your tutorials!

Showing HTML

SO SPECIAL CHARACTERS (LATIN BASED) are used to show HTML on pages. In HTML this sign < starts an HTML tag. Meaning that when you type this, your webbrowser takes it as a tag. And takes on that tags actions and therefor the tag that was supposed to be shown is by default invisible. So all you need to do is this:
Trade every < sign in the code you are trying to show with < and
Trade every > sign in the code you are trying to show with > The following is an example:
<a href="#" target="_blank">EXAMPLE LINK</a>
When displayed in your web browser the above code will appear like this: EXAMPLE LINK