
This tutorial will hopefully make your site a layout that looks something like this. You will need to add your own background and stuff though :)
1. Insert this code into the BODY section of a blank page called 'mysite.html' or something (see my 'Page Tags' tutorial if you don't know what that is).

2. Create two new, blank pages, one called 'right.html' (this will be your main page) and one called 'left.html' (the menu).
3. Copy the code below and paste into your 'left.html' page. Do this for as many times as you have links, then change the URLs so they will link to actual pages of your site (e.g. put

4. View the 'mysite.html' page (or whatever you called it) and click the links to make sure they open in the right page. If they don't, try repeating step 3.
5. Finally, put a welcome message on your main page by going to 'right.html' and typing in your text/HTML.